If you put shame in a Petri dish, it needs three things to grow exponentially: secrecy, silence and judgment. If you put the same amount of shame in a Petri dish and douse it with empathy, it can’t survive.
— Dr. Brené Brown

At Stories of Hope we believe that a part of our healing is sharing our story. We don’t encourage sharing for the sake of sharing, and we recognize that there is a time and place to share your story. However, as the quote reminds us, silence and secrecy increases shame. And we firmly believe that shame is a prison.

“Shame is best defined as the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing we are flawed and therefore unworthy of acceptance and belonging”... Shame creates fear, blame and disconnection.
— Dr. Brené Brown

One step in the breaking out of prison journey is sharing. Sharing doesn’t require a massive platform, it can be simply sharing with a trusted person so you aren’t alone. The challenge with sharing is that, for many, we have been made to feel ashamed of our experiences/diagnosis/challenges and as a result, find ourselves living in shame.  Breaking the silence to talk about our story becomes a feat.  

Our campaign in 2019 was designed to bring awareness about the various challenges we experience. It was a platform to …..get a healthy conversation around mental health. To demystify and destigmatize having a diagnosis. To break the silence.  The campaign is #shameless as we stand to renounce the shame that has historically been attached to mental illness.



Shameless Stories


Alex’s story

ale’s story

Celeste's story...

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jason’s story

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Dwaneisha McGregor

She is a member of the Stories Of Hope team and works with us on this campaign.

My struggle: Feelings of low self-worth and never feeling good enough which led to a period of self-harm and suicidal ideation.

Root cause: Determining my worth based on the opinions of others and needing to feel accepted and approved by people.

My healing: Living in God's love and choosing to believe what He says about me, developing deep relationships where it's safe for me to be who I am and who I am not and lots of self-love.

Follow The Stories Of Hope

SHAMELESS campaign was launched in March 2019 to raise awareness of mental health issues in Bahamian society and to reduce the stigma attached to mental health. Phrases such as “he/she is crazy”, “man up” and “it’s not that serious” are tossed around to suggest that mental ill-health is not a “real” issue and doesn’t deserve attention. Careless comments create a sense of shame surrounding mental health.

With this campaign, we’ve provided a platform for individuals who have struggled with their mental health to share their lived experiences. Why? Because stories connect us and stories heal. Through the telling of these stories we want to encourage awareness, spark conversations surrounding mental health and self-care and most definitely inspire others to be SHAMELESS in sharing their own struggles and victories…no matter how small.