Why Hope?

About Us

Stories of Hope (SOH) is a non-profit founded in 2016 to shatter the stigma of mental health. Our idea is that by sharing stories that inspire hope and empathy, people will learn about emotional well-being, self-care and mental health.

We believe this awareness will motivate people to seek help and develop healthy emotional approaches to life’s challenges.empathy towards each other. Our goal is that this awareness will motivate people to seek help and develop healthy approaches to life’s challenges.

Founders Dr. Giavana Jones and Amanda Marray-Lewis, use their passion and expertise in non-profit program design, facilitation and evaluation to create initiatives and resources in the mental health and wellness space that will benefit all.  One of SOH’s initial projects, Camp Hope, a week-long wellness camp for children who experienced trauma, is what inspired this initiative for those affected by Hurricane Dorian and COVID--19.

N.B. Our non-profit documents were submitted to the Attorney General’s office in 2017 and were re-submitted in November 2019 due to a clerical error. We received approval in October 2021.

Our mission

Hope. Heal. Live. 

To share authentic stories that shatter the stigma of mental health, inspire hope, bring healing and build whole, healthy people and communities


  • Camp Hope (week long summer sessions)

  • Club Hope (monthly sessions)

  • Retreats (day long group sessions for adults)

  • #Shameless (social media campaign)our story

Your story. Your truth. Can change someone’s life. 

We all think we are going through it alone. That no one can possibly understand. That there’s no way out. But we aren’t alone. Somewhere, someone else has gone through it and made it out on the other side. We promise! 

If we share our struggles, and talk about how hard it really is - to deal with past hurts, to get the house, the job, the family, to #livingmybestlife - we will be healed. We will help others heal. 

Not sharing holds us hostage to shame and guilt. To comparison and imposter syndrome. To a life that it not healthy, free or our best. 

In a world where the highlight reels are perfectly curated snippets of seemingly perfect lives, we want to make it chic to share the challenges, struggles, failures and tears. To encourage those in the thick of it to keep pressing forward, there is beauty on the other side. 

Let’s break the stigma. Let’s get healed.


SOH Team

Stories of Hope was born out of numerous cubicle conversations between Dr. Gia and Amanda during their time working for a mid-size Bahamian nonprofit.


Dr. Gia’s Story

My struggle: never good enough

Root cause: basing my value on the approval of others

My healing: therapy, intentional living, self-help and ultimately accepting and living by the truth of what God says about me. I am loved, forgiven, whole and valuable.


Amanda’s Story

My struggle: not understand my value and worth as a woman. Not loving myself.

Root cause: the prospect of infertility due to polycystic ovarian syndrome diagnosed at a young age.

My healing: a quiet, long, journey of faith, through self-help, self-care, and therapy. It continues.




The Co-Founders, Dr Gia and Amanda serve as President and Vice President of the Board of Directors. They are supported by a committed group of professionals who are like-minded in their passions for seeing individuals lead healthy and whole lives.

Ria C. butler (Secretary)

Vivamus sit amet semper lacus, in mollis libero. Nulla eu pretium massa. Phasellus sodales massa malesuada tellus fringilla, nec bibendum tellus blandit.

You can find Ria here.

Annie Laurie Munroe

Donec eget risus diam. Aliquam bibendum, turpis eu mattis iaculis, ex lorem mollis sem, ut sollicitudin risus orci quis tellus. Quisque congue porttitor ullamcorper.


M’wale rahming

M’wale is President and founding partner of Public Domain. As the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, he is responsible for all aspects of the Company’s operations. Public Domain offer market research services and public opinion polling services to roughly 25 clients, almost all of whom require recurring work, engaging our 18-seat call centre on a regular basis.

M’wale holds a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing, with a minor in Sociology from Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. He is married and lives in The Bahamas.

M’wale can be reached by email: mwale@ourpublicdomain.com